Thursday, January 25, 2024

Essential Questions to Ask a Roofing Contractor

Hiring a roofing contractor might feel like picking the juiciest fruit from a bunch. It’s not always an easy task, especially if you’re short on time and need to do it over the phone. However, there’s a right way to handle it. Here are some vital questions to ask when you’re in search of a roofing contractor over the phone:

Tips For Hiring A Roofing Contractor

1. What’s the full name of your business?

Start by asking for the complete name of the company. Legitimate companies take pride in their branding, so they should readily provide their real business name. If they hesitate or avoid giving this information, it’s a red flag, and you should consider looking elsewhere for a roofer.

2. What kind of roofing insurance do you have?

Insurance is crucial, and you should inquire about it. Roofing contractors may have different levels of insurance, which can vary by state. Ensure the roofer in Keller TX discloses their insurance coverage, including their liability policy details via email.

3. Who will be working on the job site?

This seemingly simple question holds significance. It’s essential to know who will be working on-site, what they will wear, and their work hours. These details can help you assess the company’s legitimacy and professionalism.

roofing-contractor-2-1-300x200.jpg4. Can the roofing contractor mail me an estimate?

This question is a bit of a test. A reputable roofing contractor in Keller TX would need to gather specific information about your roofing needs before providing an estimate. It’s impossible to offer accurate estimates without discussing your requirements over the phone. If they readily agree to send an estimate via mail without asking questions, it may raise concerns about their professionalism.

5. How much do you charge per square foot?

Beware of incorrect answers to this question. Roofing costs depend on various factors, including roof age and conditions. Legitimate roofers like Restoration Roofing TX will ask for specific details to provide accurate estimates.

6. Can you do a roof layover?

A roof layover involves installing a new roof on top of an existing one, saving time but potentially hiding underlying issues. A reliable roofer may say they can do it but will advise against it due to associated risks and downsides.

7. Does the roof inspector need to come inside my house?

Yes, they should. A thorough roof inspection includes examining the inner portion of the roof. This allows the inspector to provide a comprehensive assessment of the roof’s condition and necessary actions.

For a free quote on roof repair, installation, or inspection, call Restoration Roofing TX today. Our roofing contractor will help address roofing concerns.

Like our Facebook page for more great info about our services.

Restoration Roofing TX
Keller, TX 76248

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