Monday, May 23, 2022

A Bad Roofing Job Can Cause Major Damage

You expect to get the problem solved if you spend thousands on a roof replacement or new roof. Some roofing companies may rush to complete a job or cut corners to save time or money. You need to be aware of the warning signs that a roofing job is not done correctly in order to avoid roof damage and roof leaks.

My team and I sat down together to reflect on some of the difficult conversations we had with customers about the damage that a poor roofing job can cause. Continue reading to find out about the worst roofing job we’ve ever seen.

Bad roofing can lead to nightmares

One homeowner paid $20,000 for a roof replacement. He expected to receive what he had paid for. However, that was not the case. When he saw water damage to his home, the homeowner thought something was wrong. He thought, “Of course nothing is wrong, my roof just got replaced.” He delayed scheduling an inspection until the problem was so obvious that he couldn’t ignore it any longer.

Roof Repair: Signs that you have a bad roofing job

The first thing that we noticed when we arrived at the inspection was how the shingles were not aligned. The shingles had been installed incorrectly, even with the sawtooth pattern. The contractor had first laid the shingles, then cut small pieces to fit around the edges. The roof was barely secured to the shingles at the edge. Any wind could have blown them off of the roof quickly, leaving the underside exposed and vulnerable to leakage.

We also noticed that the shingles had a gap of about one inch between them. This meant that the shingles below were too exposed. Keyways are spaces between shingles that can be seen. While some shingling patterns have tiny gaps between the shingles, a sawtooth roof shouldn’t have keyways.

The ridge cap, which is the point at which the roofs meet, was the third sign that we saw. The one side looked great, but the opposite side was quite different. We could see that the previous roofing contractors ran out of the special shingles needed for the ridge cap. They solved the problem by creating their own. Yikes! This is certainly not the industry standard.

Other signs of poor roofing include a large hump at the top of the roof, missing or damaged shingles, and general sloppy work. It was evident that previous roofing contractors had taken many shortcuts.

We were shocked to discover that the roofing job was not complete. The roof was covered in old roofing flashing and shingle sheet. What’s more? What’s more? These areas were exposed and allowed water to seep into the home.

Roof leaks that allow water into your home can cause serious roof damage and high repair costs. You should get quality service from a qualified team when you pay top dollar for a roof replacement or roof repair. Roof leaks should not be a problem right after a roof repair or installation.

How can I tell if my roof job is not good?

You might have a roofing problem if you discover a roof leak immediately after your roof has been repaired. Because water can flow through your roof, it can be difficult to pinpoint the source of a roof leak. Water can enter your roof through one area and soak the ceiling in another. A professional property assessment for leak repair is the best option for homeowners.

How to identify roof damage: Interior Signs of a Roof Leak

Sometimes, a roof leak can be easily detected in your home. Sometimes, signs of water damage are hidden behind walls or in the attic. Water damage can be different in color, texture, and smell depending on where it is located. A roof leak can be identified by discoloration of the ceiling. Water damage can be identified if you notice spots that are yellow-brown or copper-colored on your ceiling.

Is there a reason for my ceiling crack?

If your ceiling has a discolored crack, it could be a sign of moisture. Sometimes, an overhead leak can cause water to seep between ceiling drywall panels. The joint tape can become loose and cracks will result.

What can a roof leak do for my walls?

Water damage to drywall can be obvious from a roof leak, including stains, bulging, or even collapse. This type of water damage may cause more than what is obvious.

Mold is a major problem homeowners don’t always notice. Mold growth can begin within walls cavities behind drywall in 24 to 48 hours once water gets inside. In fact, mold loves drywall. Mold loves drywall because it absorbs moisture which activates mold spores. The paper backing of drywall also provides cellulose, which is a food source that feeds active growing mold.

Drying alone won’t restore structural integrity in wet drywall. Drywall expands when wet and can pull away from fasteners, making it insecure after drying. A roof leak can often cause drywall to become damaged and need to be replaced.

How can you inspect a roof for damage after installation?

These are all signs that your roof is leaking. Contact Restoration Roofing TX if you notice any of these indicators. We’ll tell you the extent of your roof damage and recommend the next steps to repair it.

Call Restoration Roofing TX now if you need the help of a reliable and experienced roofer to install, repair, and maintain your roof.

Restoration Roofing TX
1001 Hillview Dr.
Keller, TX 76248

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